Editorial Complaints Policy

At Vapor Licious Inc, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity and ensuring the accuracy, fairness, and transparency of the content we publish. We value the trust of our readers and take complaints seriously. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our process for handling and addressing editorial complaints.

Submitting a Complaint:

If you have a complaint regarding any content published by Vapor Licious Inc, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Contact us: Submit your complaint in writing to our editorial team at [email protected] Please provide as much detail as possible, including the specific article or content in question, the nature of your complaint, and any supporting evidence or references.
  2. Complaint Consideration: Upon receiving your complaint, our editorial team will review the matter thoroughly and impartially. We may contact you for additional information or clarification if needed.
  3. Response and Resolution: We will make every effort to acknowledge your complaint promptly and provide you with a substantive response within a reasonable timeframe. Our response will address your concerns and provide an explanation or resolution, where appropriate.
  4. Corrections or Amendments: If we determine that an error or inaccuracy has occurred in the published content, we will take appropriate action to correct or amend the information as necessary. This may include issuing a correction notice, updating the article, or providing clarification.
  5. Confidentiality and Privacy: We will treat your complaint with strict confidentiality and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Escalating a Complaint:

If you are dissatisfied with our initial response or believe your complaint has not been adequately addressed, you may escalate the matter by following these steps:

  1. Appeal in Writing: Submit a written appeal outlining the reasons why you are not satisfied with the initial response. Include any additional information or evidence that supports your position. Send the appeal to [email protected]
  2. Editorial Review: Our editorial team will conduct a further review of your complaint, considering the appeal and any additional information provided.
  3. Final Decision: After completing the editorial review, we will issue a final decision, explaining the outcome and the reasons behind it. This decision will be communicated to you in writing.

External Mediation:

If, after following our internal complaints process, you remain unsatisfied with the resolution, you may choose to seek external mediation or arbitration through an appropriate third-party organization or regulatory body.

Publications and Reporting:

We are committed to transparency and accountability. When necessary, we will publish corrections, clarifications, or apologies to rectify any verified errors or inaccuracies. We also encourage our readers to report any potential issues or concerns they come across to help us maintain the highest standards of editorial quality.

Policy Updates:

This Editorial Complaints Policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated or modified to ensure its continued effectiveness. The most recent version of the policy will be published on our website and will be made available upon request.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Editorial Complaints Policy or wish to submit a complaint, please contact us at [email protected] We appreciate your feedback and are committed to addressing any issues promptly and fairly.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in Vapor Licious Inc.

The Vapor Licious Inc Editorial Team